- Syntax Highlighting: Supports Python syntax highlighting.
- Word Count: Displays the number of words and characters in your document.
- Custom Fonts: Choose your preferred font and size.
- Dark Mode: Toggle between light and dark themes.
- Undo/Redo: Keep track of your changes with undo and redo functionality.
- Find and Replace: Easily find and replace text in your documents.
- Zoom In/Out: Adjust font size for better readability.
- Print: Save your documents for printing.
To install Linpad, follow these steps:
- Download the latest release from the Releases page.
- Follow the installation instructions for your operating system (Windows, macOS, Linux).
Menu Options
File Menu:
- New: Create a new file.
- Open: Open an existing file.
- Save: Save the current file.
- Save As: Save the current file with a new name.
- Print: Prepare the file for printing.
- Exit: Close the application.
Edit Menu:
- Undo: Revert the last action.
- Redo: Redo the last undone action.
- Cut/Copy/Paste: Basic text manipulation commands.
- Delete: Remove the selected text.
- Select All: Select all text in the editor.
- Find: Search for specific text.
- Replace: Replace specified text with new text.
- Word Count: Display the word and character count.
Format Menu:
- Font: Change the font family and size.
- Toggle Dark Mode: Switch between dark and light themes.
- Zoom In/Out: Increase or decrease the font size.
Help Menu:
- About: Display information about Linpad.
- Documentation: Open the online documentation.
Keyboard Shortcuts
- New File: Ctrl + N
- Open File: Ctrl + O
- Save File: Ctrl + S
- Save As: Ctrl + Shift + S
- Print File: Ctrl + P
- Exit: Ctrl + Q
- Undo: Ctrl + Z
- Redo: Ctrl + Y
- Cut: Ctrl + X
- Copy: Ctrl + C
- Paste: Ctrl + V
- Delete: Delete
- Select All: Ctrl + A
- Find: Ctrl + F
- Replace: Ctrl + H
- Word Count: Ctrl + W
- Zoom In: Ctrl + =
- Zoom Out: Ctrl + -
- Toggle Dark Mode: Ctrl + D
- Toggle Underline: Ctrl + U
Linpad is developed by Miaizied Hasan. This project is open-source, and I welcome any suggestions or contributions to make Linpad even better! Feel free to open issues or submit pull requests.
Linpad is released under the MIT License.
Special thanks to the contributors and the open-source community for their support in making Linpad better!